
Colombia is full of breathtaking natural landscapes, extraordinary cultural diversity, and joyful people. Sometimes the complicated history of the country's conflict overshadows these attributes. Still, it shines a light on the resilience of its people.

Prof Willy, our head chemist (and my dad) is proof of the resilient spirit that identifies us. For more than thirty years, he has dedicated his life to researching and manufacturing high-quality cosmetic products.

Our story is a story of self-discovery. We honor the purity of our origin and the traditions that, for more than 30 years, have made skin care a ritual of love. We pay tribute to everyone whose accompanied us since kids. My dad and his incredible team, my mom, my siblings, my friends, my teachers, my pets! 

My name is Catalina Pinzón Méndez, founder of Catalina-Cosméticos de Origen 2020. In 2020, a year full of challenges and uncertainties, I found comfort in self-care, which is why I founded CATALINA - not only to bring a product to the market, but to spread a message of love.

I believe we all are beings of light and deserve to shine. Taking care of yourself is one of the best ways to care for others. We hope you feel and enjoy all the love that together at CATALINA we have put into bringing this project to fruition.